
Watch the video: Dr. Noor’s Guide to Health Insurance

Female Entrepreneurs: Here’s How You Navigate Health Insurance During Open Enrollment

by | Sep 27, 2022 | Articles, Fempreneur Series, Health Insurance

I’ve been a health insurance planner for about four years now.

Before that, I was a medical doctor by trade. I still continue to practice medicine voluntarily, only to serve patients in underserved regions of the world. In my line of work as a medical doctor, I realised how there was a huge gap in people trying to understand what health insurance is and how to get the right one.

Which is why I shifted my focus. Today, my focus is on helping growing female entrepreneurs – or fempreneurs, if you like – “win” in the battle for quality health insurance as an entrepreneur. I’m currently a Concierge Healthcare Advisor for female entrepreneurs in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Texas, and Nevada to name a few. My service area allows me to serve most of the United States’ entrepreneurs who typically struggle with obtaining health insurance. 

And I’m here to tell you this: It’s not impossible to obtain quality and affordable health insurance as an entrepreneur.

And I can help you achieve this.

What role do I play in assisting you to get that ideal health insurance plan?

I help you navigate health insurance during open enrollment (and beyond!).

Female entrepreneurs don’t have it easy. I know; I’m one myself. Let me help you secure your medical needs.

Finding and obtaining health care as an entrepreneur is difficult, but as a female it can be more exhausting. I dedicate my work to female entrepreneurs who don’t want to just “make it by” on paying out of pocket for health care or have struggled to find the right coverage in the past. 

Open enrollment is a very busy time of the year in the health insurance industry, but it’s rooted in market psychology and learned behavior. There are health insurance plans being switched, canceled, enrolled all year long. My advice is to do the evaluation for your healthcare needs BEFORE open enrollment and beat the rush.

Have more questions about Open Enrollment? Read “3 Questions To Help Evaluate Your Health Insurance Plan Every Open Enrollment Period”.

One of my female entrepreneur clients, Attorney Kathy B. says, “Of all the fears that come along with self-employment, finding affordable health insurance that would serve me is at the top of my list. Dr. Noor walked me through my options and the application process. I was approved within 13 hours and she called me personally to let me know. Dr. Noor is passionate about her work and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for experienced help navigating the confusion of health insurance in the U.S.” 

Already have a healthcare plan? Here are “3 Ways to Maximize Your Health Insurance Plan Before the Year Ends”.

My job is to help you find your best-fit health insurance plan, and get set up in a simple and seamless experience. If you’re a female entrepreneur looking to take back your health care, book a consultation today. 

You can also follow me on Instagram for tips on how to protect your growing wealth with off-market health insurance plans @dr.noorhealth

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