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Giving Sleep A Whole New Meaning: From One Mom To Another Featuring Shazli Kojak

by | Jun 7, 2021 | Articles, Fempreneur Series, Health Insurance

Shazli Kojak, the founder of Sleep My Little One, found it extremely challenging to juggle between a demanding corporate finance job and a newborn baby. But she made a choice. And that choice was to pursue entrepreneurship on top of everything that she was already responsible for. Today, Shazli is a successful founder of her own pediatric sleep consulting company.

Shazli has come a long way since then. She identified some key learning points when she made the transition. Her pragmatic nature helped her realize how she could blend her skills from her past experiences with fresh perspectives to grow her business.

In this article, Shazli shares some of these learning points and how, as a self-employed businesswoman and a mother, she leverages different things including health insurance to make her journey a stable and fruitful one for herself and her clients.

Use Existing Resources & New Skills To Propel Forward

Even with a career built on years of hard work, dedication and focus, Shazli could not give up the opportunity to pursue dreams of entrepreneurship. 

There have been many obstacles that came in Shazli’s way of creating her own successful business. From maintaining a full-time job to raising a little human being, entrepreneurship seems like the last thing she has time to focus on.

What Shazli did was simply brilliant – she didn’t just throw away or shove aside all her experiences and responsibilities when she made the transition. She used her existing knowledge and resources to fuel her business forward and upward.

For instance, she leveraged her background in accounting and finance to help budget her business expenses and project her earnings. This helps her maintain a realistic view of how much she can invest and how fast she can grow her business given her current resources.

However, while her full-time career gave her the skills to focus on the business side of her sleep consulting company, it did not equip her with the sales and creative side. Being creative and creating a company with a niche is important but in a field where there are so many other talented, passionate and amazing women, pursuing the same business makes it tough. Especially when her peers are her competition. 

Still, Shazli is a very big proponent of women supporting women so she cheers on every other woman that is on a similar path. She still is working on finding the balance to support fellow sleep consultants while finding her unique voice and standing, but I know she’ll get there!

Identify What Your Clients Need

While she works on her business challenges, Shazli remains steadfast to her mission of helping mothers and their babies with sleep issues.

One tip Shazli shares about sleep consulting is to remember who is on the other end of the line. Unlike other businesses, her clients are not only hiring her for her expertise but they are hiring her for her compassion, guidance, support, patience and sometimes even friendship.

There is a sleep-deprived mother going through a tough, maybe the toughest time in her life. It is a sleep consultant’s job to make her feel safe, hopeful, in control and most of all unjudged. 

Moms helping other moms is a beautiful thing. Do not take it for granted.

Preach, sister.

Say Goodbye to Anxiety about Health Insurance

Shazli’s biggest hesitation about ever leaving a full-time corporate role was losing health insurance benefits. She initially found health insurance extremely confusing and intimidating. 

How does she then keep herself updated with all the details about insurance? Shazli admits that she has learned a lot about health insurance policies from Dr. Noor‘s social media content, YouTube videos and IGTV. 

Are you a mother struggling to give your baby the rest he or she needs? How about struggling to give yourself the rest you need to care for your baby properly? 

Find out more about how Shazli can help you here. Use code DRNOOR to get 20% off her listed offerings.

Have you just transitioned from a W2 to a 1099 role? 

Thinking about it but not sure how much health insurance will cost? Want to know the best health insurance plan for you?

Schedule a call with me today.

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