
Watch the video: Dr. Noor’s Guide to Health Insurance

A Deep Dive on Better Health Insurance & My Business Journey

by | Aug 9, 2021 | Articles, Podcasts

I came across Devin as a referral from another one of his guests on the show who had a fun conversation. In this show, Devin walks me through my career and journey and helps to answer a copyright and trademark question I had for a long time. 

Click hear to listen now! https://youtu.be/I8-v2-LP7og

In this episode of “Inventive Journey” Devin and I talk about:

  • Adjustment in the journey of health insurance business
  • Services that we should look for when considering health insurance 
  • What assistance that we should go check and advice to have a better health insurance
  • Information to have a better understanding in health care system 
  • Worst business decision: Not delegating soon enough
  • Piece of advice to start up or small business,Don’t give up. No matter how hard it gets and how many lows you have, just get back up, ignore everyone else and keep going. Do not ever give up.”

If you enjoyed listening to this episode, schedule a chat with me to discuss your health insurance needs.

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