
Watch the video: Dr. Noor’s Guide to Health Insurance

Dr. Noor Ali on Certifiably Unemployable Podcast

by | Oct 1, 2020 | Podcasts, Articles

Self Employment and Health Insurance with Dr. Noor Ali

Dr. Noor Ali speaks for the self-employed individuals and families who need affordable yet quality healthcare yet fall in the the abyss of over-priced, under-whelming coverage options, and often times just end up foregoing the idea of insurance all together.

In this episode of Certifiably Unemployable, I discuss how I can navigate any self-employed person through this once daunting task.  

In this episode we talk about:

  • What does it mean to be self-employed?
  • What makes an entrepreneur unique?
  • How does an entrepreneur find their own health insurance plan?
  • Where do you even start looking for a health insurance plan for yourself?
  • What is the BEST health insurance plan and option for entrepreneurs?

If I can help you figure out your health insurance book a call with me here.

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